How Khubes Works

Manage your properties, tenants, and finances all in one place.


Tenant Accounts

Tenants get an online account to manage bookings and view details. All payments are made through this account, ensuring easy access anytime, with a minimum payment of 50 KES.


Payment Processing

Rent is deducted automatically from the tenant account on the first day of each month. Tenants receive SMS and email confirmations with receipts that can be downloaded directly from their account.


Rent Reminders

The system sends SMS and email reminders to tenants about upcoming rent due dates and overdue payments, ensuring they never miss a payment.


Utility Billing

Property owners can upload CSV files with utility bills, which are billed alongside rent deductions. This streamlines the billing process for tenants.


Instant Transfers

Once rent is deducted, it is credited immediately to the property owner's account, allowing for instant withdrawals or transfers to M-Pesa or bank accounts.


Owner Management

Property owners receive online accounts to manage their properties and can add other users with delegated privileges for enhanced management.